I use a blend of therapeutic techniques and intuitive gifts to design healing sessions for specifically for you. The approach I use actually removes blocks, negative belief systems and energy distortions that interfere with your True Divine Self and your connection with your Divine Creator.
I believe that underneath all of the misinformation that we have been “programmed” with, by sometimes well meaning people, schools, churches, parents, the media, etc. there is a miraculous, loving Being; YOU!
Instead of using a Hypnosis technique that adds more programming, I use a technique that works with that Divine aspect of you that is connected to your Divine Source. From the guidance of your highest power and wisdom, which knows exactly what YOU need, this intelligence then removes, heals, resolves all the issues and/or misinformation necessary. This leaves room for your True Essence to emerge and wonderfully guide and assist you to be and live life as the Divinely unique Being that you are.